Revue Politique
December 7, 2006
Host Pierre Donais reviews the day’s headlines, including a free vote in the House of Commons on re-opening the same-sex marriage debate. CPAC’s Julie Rocheleau reports on the controversy surrounding testimony given by RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli during a meeting of the House of Commons Committee on Public Safety and National Security. Mr. Zaccardelli’s testimony focused on his involvement in the Maher Arar case. Pierre speaks with a video panel of MPs about key issues on the Hill. The panellists are Pierre Lemieux (Conservative), Massimo Pacetti (Liberal), and Alex Atamanenko (NDP). Pierre introduces footage of the national security committee meeting where Mr. Zaccardelli presented his testimony. Michele Boulva (director of the Catholic Organization for Life and Family) and Stéphane Émard-Chabot (Canadians for Equal Marriage spokesperson) join Pierre in the studio to discuss the free vote against re-opening the same-sex marriage debate. Later, Pierre sits down with Denise Veilleux (member of Québec Solidaire) to speak about this issue further.