Inside Centre Block - The Restoration

Inside Centre Block - The Restoration
Inside Centre Block -The Restoration

The crown jewel of the country's Parliament Buildings—Centre Block—is closed to the public, undergoing repairs, upgrades and modernization that will take a decade to complete. Narrated by award winning Canadian actor Colm Feore Inside Centre Block-The Restoration explores Centre Block's renewal, showcasing the progress since its doors closed in 2019.

It's an insider's view of one of the most challenging restoration projects ever, offering a complete look of what's taking place behind the scaffolding and tarps and sharing the perspectives of those who are making it happen.

Working closely with Public Services and Procurement Canada, CPAC is documenting the fascinating journey of Centre Block's restoration from start to finish.

In this episode we learn about the project, the history of Centre Block, and the delicate balance between restoration and modernization.

Centre Block 2024

The Building

It is the largest and most complex heritage rehabilitation project ever undertaken in Canada.

(Jennifer Garrett A/Assistant Deputy Minister Science and Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch, PSPC)

Opening of the current Centre Block  in 1927

The History

To understand the current restoration project, we have to go back in time to the original construction.

(Johanna Mizgala Curator of the House of Commons)

Removal of a large mural

The Heritage Assets

We have an insatiable appetite for all blueprints and evidence from both the original designs.

(Kate Westbury, Heritage Lead, Centre Block Rehabilitation program, PSPC)

Construction of the Peace Tower and Carillon

The Peace Tower

The carillon was commissioned to commemorate the fallen heroes from World War One.

(Caitlin Rouse, Project Technician, PSPC)

In this episode we learn about the building's excavation work, see how both houses of Parliament are being modernized, and join the team working on the masonry restoration.

Artist's rendering of the finished project

Parliament for the 21st Century

We're going to provide a modern building for Parliament to function… one that's safe, sustainable and universally accessible.

(Siavash Mohajer, Senior Director, Construction, PSPC)

Stained glass in the House of Commons Chamber

The House of Commons Chamber

When we closed the building down, I think it was very emotional for a lot of people…..but everything is going back exactly the way it was.

(Darrell de Grandmont, Director, Centre Block Program, House of Commons)

Examining the ceiling in the Senate Chamber

The Senate of Canada

"Everything's peeled back. I think now is an exciting time to be inside Centre Block and then it'll all be pieced back together."

(Louise Cowley, Director, Long Term Vision and Plan & Accommodation)

Scanning stone carving

Carvings, Sculptures and Stonework

We have a really unique opportunity right now that gives us unprecedented access to areas that we really can't reach in normal times.

(John-Philippe Smith, Dominion Sculptor)

Photo credits: the Department of Public Services and Procurement Canada and Library and Archives Canada.

Produced with the participation of

Canada Media Fund