Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How is CPAC funded?
Where can I find CPAC on the dial?
How do I get program listings?
How can I listen to CPAC in the language of my choice?
Does CPAC offer closed captioning?
How can I get copies of CPAC programming?
How can I pitch a story idea or get CPAC to cover an event?
CPAC is Canada's only national, non-commercial bilingual network specializing in long-form, public affairs programming, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CPAC is not affiliated with any government department or agency. Funded in part by Canada's cable, wireless and satellite companies, CPAC is delivered to more than 9 million homes daily.
In its 2024 budget, the federal government invested in not-for-profit public interest programming services that play “important roles providing news programming to Canadians, and ensuring diverse voices are heard and accessible across the country.” This included a one-time allocation of $5 million in support of CPAC's capital requirements to modernize its aging broadcast infrastructure, and $539,265 towards expenses related to closed captioning and simultaneous interpretation.
Where can I find CPAC on the dial?
Use our search tool to find CPAC's channel location in your area.
How do I get program listings?
You can consult our program schedule.
How can I listen to CPAC in the language of my choice?
CPAC TV is available in both English and French almost everywhere in Canada.
On digital cable, satellite and wireless services, CPAC can be found in English and French on separate channels. Use our search tool to find CPAC's channel location in your area.
On analogue cablesystems, CPAC viewers can select their language of choice using their television's Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) function. Contact your cable service provider if you have questions about using the SAP function.
On our website, CPAC TV is available with English, French, and original (floor) audio via a continuous simulcast. Select your language choice using the buttons located beneath the video player.
Does CPAC offer closed captioning?
All programming on CPAC television is closed captioned. On our website, closed captions are available on the CPAC television web simulcast as well as livestreams of all House of Commons and Senate proceedings and parliamentary committees. Closed captions are also available on selected on-demand videos in the CPAC Digital Archive.
House of Commons and Senate proceedings and committees are captioned in both English and French. All other CPAC programming is captioned in the predominant language of the broadcast.
We invite you to contact us at for further information about closed captioning.
How can I get copies of CPAC programming?
To order a copy of a CPAC program, search our web video archive for the program you wish to purchase and email your request to
For copies of Supreme Court of Canada hearings, please call the Supreme Court at (613) 996-7642 or e-mail
For copies of House of Commons proceedings (including Question Period) and House of Commons committees, please contact the House of Commons at 1-800-599-4999.
For copies of Senate committees, please contact the Senate Legislative Support Office at
For all other information about our programming, please call CPAC's Viewer Services at 1-877-287-2722 (CPAC).
How can I pitch a story idea or get CPAC to cover an event?
Email us at