2006 Federal Liberal Leadership Debate

Headline Politics2006 Federal Liberal Leadership Debate

CPAC presents coverage of the Liberal leadership debates at the Ontario regional Liberal leadership forum, Toronto, Ont., October 15, 2006.

The candidates are Martha Hall Findlay, Ken Dryden, Joseph Volpe, Stéphane Dion, Scott Brison, and Bob Rae. Dominic LeBlanc (Liberal MP for Beauséjour, N.B.) moderates.

The issues debated are as follows: increasing the representation of women in Parliament; reducing homelessness and poverty in Canada; improving federal aid to municipal infrastructure; prioritizing environmental concerns; protecting gay marriage rights; selecting an appropriate approach for Canadian foreign policy; balancing gun control legislation, community safety and lawful firearm ownership; and questioning government regulations for internet-based culture and communications.

Following the debates, candidates make closing statements. After an intermission, each Liberal leadership candidate responds to questions from the media.