April 22, 2023

PrimeTime Politics WeekendApril 22, 2023

Journalists Bob Fife (The Globe and Mail), Tonda MacCharles (Toronto Star) and Catherine Lévesque (National Post) discuss the week’s top political stories, including the government’s multi-billion-dollar agreement with Volkswagen to build electric-vehicle batteries in Ontario.

Jennifer Carr, president of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, explains why the union representing more than 70,000 public servants is standing in solidarity with the striking workers from the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

Alberta-based freelance political journalist and commentator Graham Thomson looks ahead to next month’s provincial election.

President of the Treasury Board Mona Fortier offers the government’s response to the job action of more than 155,000 federal public servants.

NDP Deputy Leader Alexandre Boulerice shares his party’s position on the Public Service Alliance of Canada strike.