Results: 1 - 7 of 7
Public Record
Nation-to-Nation National Summit – Forging a New Path to a Renewed Relationship
Maryantonett Flumian, president of the Institute on Governance, leads a discussion with former Assembly of First Nations national chief Ovide Mercredi and Charlie Coffey from the Canadians for a New Partnership about what steps are required for establishing a renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples. This panel takes place during the Institute on Governance's Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa. (November 28, 2017)
Former TRC Chair Murray Sinclair Speaks About a New Royal Proclamation
Senator Murray Sinclair, former chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), delivers a keynote address at the Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa. Senator Sinclair calls for the creation of a royal proclamation and covenant of reconciliation. This was one of the recommendations from the TRC's final 2015 report. (November 28, 2017)
Nation-to-Nation National Summit – Framing a New Royal Proclamation
Miles Richardson (director, National Consortium for Indigenous Economic Development), Frank Iacobucci (former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada) and Celeste Haldane (chief commissioner, BC Treaty Commission) discuss framing a new royal proclamation of reconciliation. This panel takes place during the Institute on Governance's Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa. (November 28, 2017)
Ontario Indigenous Relations Minister David Zimmer Speaks About Reconciliation
David Zimmer, Ontario's minister of Indigenous relations and reconciliation, delivers a keynote address at the Institute on Governance's Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa on the key issues, challenges and opportunities of a renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples. (November 27, 2017)
Nation-to-Nation National Summit – The Youth Perspective
Former prime minister Paul Martin leads a discussion with Indigenous youth leaders Riley Yesno, Andre Bear and Gabrielle Fayant about their vision of a renewed relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples. This discussion takes place during the Institute on Governance's Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa. (November 27, 2017)
Nation-to-Nation National Summit – Progress toward a renewed relationship
Former Ontario premier Bob Rae and federal auditor general Michael Ferguson discuss Canada’s progress toward a renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples. Their discussion takes place during the Institute on Governance's Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa. (November 27, 2017)
Nation-to-Nation National Summit – The Indigenous Perspective
Perry Bellegarde (national chief of the Assembly of First Nations), Natan Obed (president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami) and Clément Chartier (president of the Métis National Council) outline their vision of a renewed nation-to-nation relationship. This is the first panel discussion of the Nation-to-Nation National Summit in Ottawa hosted by the Institute on Governance. (November 27, 2017)